July 22

Van spot rates see seasonal decline but remain higher y/y

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Broker-posted spot rates in the Truckstop system continued to ease as expected during the week ended July 19 (week 29), but rates for both dry van and refrigerated equipment remain higher than they were during the same week last year. The last time either dry van or refrigerated experienced any meaningful increase in spot rates during week 29 was 2009. Flatbed spot rates, which also declined week over week, were up nearly 1% y/y for the first positive y/y comparison since late July 2022.

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July 15

Spot rates decline, but van rates are still higher y/y

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As expected, broker-posted spot rates in the Truckstop system decreased during the week ended July 12 (week 28) as the market entered what is typically a soft period for rates following the mid-year peak, especially for van equipment. However, spot rates were still higher y/y for both van types, and dry van spot rates recorded their strongest y/y comparison since March 2022. Flatbed rates, which also were down from the prior week, posted their strongest y/y performance in nearly two years.

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July 8

Van spot rates rise in the latest week

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Broker-posted spot rates in the Truckstop system for dry van and refrigerated van equipment recorded rare gains during the week ended July 5 (week 27), although the timing of the Independence Day holiday likely was a factor. Rates for both equipment types typically fall sharply during week 27, but most of the week preceded the holiday. In most years, almost all pre-holiday rate strength occurs during week 26. Further rate increases in the current week would be counter to seasonal expectations.

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July 1

Refrigerated spot rates dip in a typically strong week

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Total broker-posted spot rates in the Truckstop system ticked up slightly during the week ended June 28 (week 26), but refrigerated spot rates eased a bit in a week that typically sees one of the largest increases of the year. The week-over-week increase in dry van spot rates also was weaker than usual, but refrigerated rates have not decreased during week 26 since 2012. With Independence Day falling on Thursday, it is possible that spot rates this week will be stronger than usual, however.

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