Spot rates ease heading into International

Roadcheck week

Broker-posted spot rates declined for each of the three principal equipment types during the week ended May 10 (week 19), although the changes were basically in line with seasonal expectations. Dry van, refrigerated, and flatbed spot rates each declined by no more than they did during the same week last year. The coming week includes the three-day International Roadcheck roadside inspection event, which almost always results in sharp increases in spot rates as many drivers choose not to operate.


Total spot loads_051324


Total load activity increased 2.4% after rising about 4% during the previous week. Total volume was 3.6% above the same 2023 week but more than 30% below the five-year average for the week. Total truck postings declined 1.8%, and the Market Demand Index – the ratio of load postings to truck postings in the system – increased to its highest level in four weeks.





Total spot rates_051324


The total broker-posted rate declined just over 1 cent after holding basically flat during the prior week. Rates were nearly 4% below the same 2023 week and almost 6% below the five-year average for the week. Rates presumably will rise significantly during the current week. International Roadcheck week in both 2022 and 2023 saw rates rise about 7 cents week over week. 





Dry van spot rates_051324


Dry van spot rates were down just over 1 cent after rising 4 cents in the previous week. Rates were nearly 2% higher than the same 2023 week but more than 8% below the five-year average. Dry van loads increased 3.8% from the previous week. Volume was less than 1% below the same 2023 week and more than 29% below the five-year average for the week.





Refrigerated spot rates_051324


Refrigerated spot rates fell 3.6 cents after surging about 16 cents during the previous week. Rates were about 5% above the same 2023 week for the strongest y/y comparison since the third week of this year. Refrigerated rates were about 3% below the five-year average for the week. Refrigerated loads fell 4.9% after rising nearly 11% during the prior week. Volume was nearly 3.6% below the same 2023 week and about 31% below the five-year average for the week.




Flatbed spot rates_051324


Flatbed spot rates declined just over 1 cent after falling about the same amount in the prior week. Rates were about 5% below the same 2023 week and more than 5% below the five-year average for the week. Flatbed loads increased 4.4% from the previous week. Volume was more than 8% above the same week last year but nearly 34% below the five-year average for the week.


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